Countdown To Port Removal

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Upcoming Events

Hello friends!

This is just a quick note to update a few things.

  • I finished my Herceptin on schedule - YAY!!  The last one was September 28th!  That completed a full year of treatment (every 3 weeks) and I am so thankful that is behind me.
  • I have what I hope is my final echocardiogram today. I know they will have to give me an IV (ugh!!) and push the colored dye in my veins since they cannot seem to get good images of my heart with my new chest without the contrast.  So heart has remained healthy and no muscular atrophy has been seen.
  • Tomorrow I begin a series of appointments to further investigate one particular drug trial.  This is the one that was first run out of Birmingham.  It filled up, but then it was expanded and the doctor in charge changed hospitals and is now in Newnan, GA.  We have prayed long and hard and still have not made a final decision.  We are going down there and meeting the people in charge, getting more details then we will decide.  This is the trial that would give me a drug that studies have shown have very good results as far as reducing the chance of recurrence.  The stats I recall this time I have a 10-15% chance of breast cancer returning within 5 years (remember, mine in not hormone driven like the majority, it is an aggressive HER2 positive kind).  This new drug decreases the chance of recurrence by about a third.  That sounds encouraging.  However, there are a couple of significant down sides.  One, as my oncologist points out, is that per accepted protocol, I am "done" and they have labeled me "ready to move on" and of course I would love to put cancer behind me, too.  Second, this good drug has a lousy side effect....severe stomach issues.  In fact, lots of women have dropped out of previous studies due to the severity of the stomach issues (hospitalization due to dehydration type of issues - ugh!!).  So, that brings me back to the current study.  This particular study is not about the cancer drug - everyone receives the good drug which is what I am interested in - but the trial is about managing the side effects.  Everyone is also given a new drug that is intended to control the stomach issues so that the cancer drug is tolerable to women. can understand my quandary, I hope.  I am a very logical person, and when I see stats that can improve my chances of living, I am thinking, heck yes, sign me up.  But, of course I realize there are no guarantees and as my brother lovingly pointed out, I could get killed on 285 at any moment.  Yes, thank you, that is true.  I am well aware I have ZERO control over things like that and I do not fear death.  However.....I prefer to die an old lady surrounded by grown children and me crazy!!  What I DON'T like is that cancer will remain a focus for another year....but I also like the idea of being watched closely and being monitored more closely than I would otherwise.  Am I willing to feel lousy for a whole year (the length of the study)??  I have thought and prayed about this, and I *think* the answer is NO.  I want to try this, but my family has already sacrificed so much and I am feeling great and I do NOT want to return to the days of nausea (and worse) and feeling housebound due to stomach issues.
  • So.....if you are inclined to pray with me for clarity...this process starts tomorrow and we meet the main doctor next Tuesday, October 20th.  I am very interested to see if he and his team have anything to say that is new news.  I am interested in the statistics.  This drug is very picks up where Herceptin leaves off.  I cannot explain exactly how it works, but whereas Herceptin suppressed my body's production of the HER2 protein that fed my cancer, this drug I believe causes the HER2 protein (that I guess my body will begin producing again) to not bind to any cancer cells that are in my body.  Gosh - I can't explain it right, but I know it is HER2 related but it works differently than Herceptin.  And it is given by pill, so I wouldn't have to go anywhere to get an infusion.  So yay - my port can come out!!  I would have monthly check ins down in Newnan.
  • My port is scheduled to be removed on October 29th!!  Super big yay!!  Another milestone.  This is outpatient big deal.
  • My final procedure on my new chest is scheduled for November 13th!  So...lots of finishing touches happening, and that all feels wonderful.
  • I think those are the highlights.  If anyone has any wisdom about the drug trial feel free to reach out to me.  Otherwise, as I mentioned, we are praying for clarity...trying to keep an open mind and allow ourselves to be guided in the right direction.  As always...I thank you for your support from the bottom of my heart.  Big hugs!


  1. THANKFUL for miracles and healing. Now the healing starts for your brain...praying for wisdom, guidance and true TRUSTING in God's plan. Know that the off-chemo feelings that are overwhelming, scary and unfamiliar will fade day by day. You are completely normal and off-chemo was probably the 2nd most scary time for us, too. Don't discount or dismiss any of the anxiety-- that is an expected reaction to being pushed out of the nest of the docs and tests. BUT, you've got a lot of living to do that isn't centered around cancer. So proud of you and thankful for where you are today. Go wear yourself out with running kids around and all of the things YOU want to do! HUGS to you all

  2. I love it that you completely "get it"...unfortunately because you have lived it. Thank you so much for the continued prayers and for being an awesome cheerleader!!
