Countdown To Port Removal

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Round 2, Day 8

There really is not much to update, which I guess is a good thing.  The overwhelming issue I have been dealing with is fatigue.  Big time fatigue.  Compared to the stomach pain I had for the last round, I will take fatigue, hands down.  Even the nausea has been manageable.  I think maybe I have the "luxury" of taking it really, super easy, which seems to help me a bunch every time I begin to feel sick.  If I had a job, or younger children at home, which prohibited me from sitting down or laying down as soon as I begin to feel badly, then this would be a much harder battle.  But, as it is, I count my blessings that if I can just be really still as soon as I begin to feel queasy, it often passes.  Oh yes....I also need air conditioning.  Being cool seems to help, also (even though I WAS one of those people who was freezing constantly.) 

Which brings me to this weekend's heat wave plus soccer tournament.  I had hoped to make it out to Conyers and Covington for the big tournament that both kids were playing in.  But, Jonathan had 8:00 AM games both days (requiring them to leave home at 6:15), and for several reasons I ended up shuttling Caroline out there on Saturday, suffering through her 1:00 game, then shuttling her to another field to join Chris and Jonathan, then bailed and came back.  I know I am supposed to avoid the sun with the Adriamycin, and I tried to stay in the shade of our covered chair, but it was so insufferably hot out there I thought I was going to pass out.  I was done for the rest of the day and then didn't even try it on Sunday.  I hate to miss out on these things, but I felt so terrible I couldn't keep up.  Other than that outing, I literally napped, read, watched TV all weekend.  I feel like I have become the laziest person in the world....a total couch potato.  But honestly, my head feels so heavy at times it feels like considerable work just to sit upright.

Today is Tuesday and I think I am beginning to feel a little more energy.  According to the last schedule, by tonight I "should be" feeling quite a bit better.  I have had headaches since Sunday, but BC headache powders seems to help.  I think it might be the remaining hair "releasing."  My head is itching a bunch, too, and I am sure it is the hair coming out that is the cause.  I ended up feeling glad for the little bit of hair that little fuzzy covering.  At this point, it is looking pretty ragged, with patches missing.  I want to say that I'll be happy when the process is finished (that's what Chris said), but it's not true.  I will be glad to have one less thing to "deal" with, however.  I am working on changing my mindset about R2.  Not there yet.  My preference is to stay home and wear my little cap instead of dealing with getting R2 in place and combed out and adjusted.  I can at least now understand how women get to the point of saying - ENOUGH.  This is a hassle and gives me headaches and is hot and I don't need this.  Many look very attractive in their cute scarves and hats.  Again...not there yet, but at least now I get it. 

I want to get an update out, but I guess my heart isn't in it today.  This post feels choppy and unorganized - sorry!  Thanks for the comments!  I was excited to see them. 


  1. So, I see a kazoo in the picture below... Are you entertaining the nurses with that? I know they would love it. Thanks for allowing us to follow along on your journey. I love you and appreciate your candor. Even though R2 is gorgeous I know learning to like her (or even tolerate her) isn't easy. But you really do look beautiful. Hugs!

  2. Ahh!! I didn't realize you could see the kazoo. Well...the story is that usually while I am there it is me and several 80+ year old people. Ok, maybe 70. Well this sweet lady and her friend came over as they were leaving and she brought me the kazoo, a small water color set, and a couple of other things. She explained that she and her friend like to enjoy their time together and they usually bring "toys" to play with while they wait. I was touched by the fact she noticed me at all and took the time to come over and share her treasures. I guess I am not quite up to her level of light heartedness and so I didn't actually use any of her toys, but maybe my attitude will change. :) Thinking back on it now makes it even sweeter.
